Monday, December 29, 2008

My 100th Post

It's after 9:30 in the morning and Kim is STILL asleep. I'm going to really have to play hard with her today to get her to go to bed tonight at a decent hour. I have used the morning to give my blog a fresh wintery look. It was time for something new.

Today we are planning on meeting my cousin for lunch. She lives in Boise and I haven't seen her in forever. Actually I think that last time we were able to get together was for my babyshower. How could that happen? That was over 4 years ago.

It's a little sad to see how life and our own families have spread all of us apart to the point that we rarely see each other. There are 12 of us (cousins) and as we were growing up we spent so much time together. There was atleast one day a month that we all got together at Grandma's house for the family birthday party or holiday. Then there was all the time we spent back and forth between eachothers houses. Now we rarely see each other. So Jana and I will just have to catch up today and enjoy the time that we have.

1 comment:

Marva said...

Happy 100th! Here's to another 100+! Blessings and Happy New Year!