Thursday, December 18, 2008

Our First Official Snow Day

It started snowing here yesterday afternoon and hasn't stopped yet. If there's not a foot of new snow out there it's darn close to it. So school is closed and we are taking our FIRST official snow day. So I'm letting Kim sleep, she'll be excited when she wakes up.

Today is my day off and it lost it's zest for being a "ME" day since Larry is home sick. So we're having a family snow day.

So the plan for the day is now to shovel the drive way (for the 3rd time since yesterday), then head in for my hair appointment. Then if we can make it out we need to head to Walmart and pick up a few gifts that Kim needs to pick out. Then practice at church for the Christmas Program this afternoon.

We also need to get new snow boots. I've been needing to go get her some but I hadn't had the chance to take her with me. And I'm not buying shoes for that kid without her being there to pick them out and try them on. We have enough shoe battles with the ones she has picked I'm certainly not picking for her myself.

1 comment:

Marva said...

Oh wow! We don't get snow like that here in Bama! I would love a good one like that.

Snow boots............hmmmmmmm. I love the thought!

Sope all is well and be careful out there!
