Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Daniel Fast and New Year Goals

Many in my church are participating in a 21 day Daniel Fast starting on the 1st. So today I'm going to sit down and make up a menu for myself (because I'm sure my hubby won't be participating. So the start of my year will be with that, reading more of my Bible and prayer.

My other resolutions, I hate to call them resolutions because that word just seems to invoke failure to me. I mean how many people really follow through with the resolution they set for themselves. So instead I'm going to call it New Year Goals.

1st ~ My goal is to get closer to God and put him 1st. I am going to spend more time on him. And try harder to give up my control and let him lead me where he wants me to be.

2nd ~ Getting out of debt. We have about $15,000 worth of debt that I am going to get paid off before the end of 2009. This includes my car that has 30 payments left on it. My goal is to pay off all our debt, pay all of our monthly bills ahead and get money in savings.

3rd ~ My goal is to be healthier, lose weight and get in shape. I would like to walk in Bloomsday again in May and I would like to be in better shape and a smaller size by my birthday in July.

I think that as long as I put God first as in my 1st goal for the new year that the other 2 will follow right into place.

"But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible." —Matthew 19:26


Marva said...

Those are wonderful goals! Okay, so I am a little ignorant here, what is the daniel fast?

I am looking for a cleansing thing to do the first of the year, but i have to be very careful with my health. What does the menu typically consist of?

Thanks for sharing!


absolutelytrue said...

I would love to know more about the Daniel fast. I'm starting a diet on the 1st and maybe I can work this in?

Kimmy is beautiful as ever.

