Monday, December 15, 2008

A wonderful gift

I had a nice weekend even with it being SO DARNED COLD that you can't breath when you go out. I received a nice note in the mail from Pastor Carey. It really made my day just to know she was thinking about me.

Then Sunday I went to church (by myself again as Kimmie decided to stay home) and before the services started Pastor Carey gave me a new Bible. She said it was one that they had handed out at the beginning of the year to everyone and she thought I should have it. It's a One Year Bible. Divided up so that the entire Bible can be read in 15 minutes sections each day in one year.

I was very excited about it because though I know the basic stories in the Bible I have been feeling this desire to know more. But at the same time reading the entire Bible seems so daunting and where to start. So now with it being so unbelievably cold out I have something to curl up with a warm blanket and read.


Carol Woolum Roberts said...

It is a great Bible. The sections for daily reading are just the right amount. It is a wonderful way to read through the Bible. Enjoy!!

Marva said...

That is wonderful and the new Bible....too what a blessing!