Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Traditions

I was reading today about some peoples Christmas Traditions and it got me thinking about some of ours. Every year as a kid we got new pajamas and we got to open one gift on Christmas Eve. Funny that gift was always those new pajamas. My Mom said it was so that we looked decent in the morning for our "opening presents photos". I have carried on that same tradition with Kim. She gets new Christmas jammies and I have added a new book to the tradition.

The book started with her first Christmas. We were in Republic and I was really having a hard time. Being away from home with a new baby and not knowing anyone. So minister for the church lived behind us and she invited me to Christmas Eve service. So I took Kim and enjoyed the service. For the service they read a wonderful story called the Christmas Bell. It's a great little story about a little girl who finds a silver bell and decides to give it to baby Jesus. After the service was over and we were heading out the door Pastor Barb handed me the book. Now every year since I have picked up a new book for Kim that's not about Santa and presents but instead about the real reason for Christmas and God's love.

So far we've gotten

Mary's First Christmas
The Tale of Three Trees
Room for a Little One
God Gave us Christmas

and this year we are getting Alabaster's Song.

I love being able to sit back and read these wonderful stories with her. And doing it every year makes it even more special.

So what are some traditions that your family enjoys every year? I would love to hear about them

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