Monday, December 1, 2008

My sweet little girl

I'm in such awe at the tenderness caring my sweet little girl shares with the world. My Grandma was telling me yesterday after church about a moment last week when that sweet little 4 year old offered to share what she had with her. My Grandmother has arthritis and has been having some trouble with a knee bothering her. So she went to the doctor and was given a couple of different prescriptions. One of them was for this new "athletic" tape that has some medicine on it. Must be some kind of anti-inflamatory. When she went to fill the prescriptions the pharmicist told her that the tape would be over $200. Well of course she said "No thank you" she didn't have that kind of money to fill that one. My darling little girl over heard the conversation and pulled a $1 she had been saving in her pocket to get herself a treat and handed it to my Grandma saying "Here Grandma you can have my money so you can get your medicine."

It really made my heart swell to know that this sweet little girl who had her heart set on spending her money on something she wanted was willing to give it to make sure that someone else got what they needed. One of the things that I have always felt was important for her to learn is that no matter how much or how little we have there is always someone out there who has less. And we help those in need with what we can. It's nice to know that those lessons are getting in there. Of course my Grandma didn't get that prescription filled but it made her proud to know that her Great Granddaughter was willing to give what she could. I will say it over and over I just love that little angel and I thank God everyday for the blessing and opportunity he gave me when he chose me to be her Momma.

1 comment:

Marva said...

What a wonderful job you are doing! What a precious child you are raising!
