Thursday, December 4, 2008

My Favorite Christmas Movie

This time of year I am truly a kid at heart. I love all the old movies that are on every year. I get excited about sitting down and watching the same shows that were on when I was a kid and now I get to share them with my own. Rudolph, Frosty, Santa's Coming to town. But my all time favorite will always be A Christmas Story. My family laughs at me because I watch it every year. Over and Over. It's not unusual for it to be on ALL DAY on Christmas Eve when they have the Marathon of it for 24 hours on TV.

I'm can't imagine that growing up there wasn't something or some family in your childhood that isn't represented in this movie. I just love the Bupkiss hounds, the Red Rider BB gun, the deranged Easter Bunny costume. And who could ever forget the Chinese turkey and the major award in the form of an elicit leg lamp. And of course what kid wasn't involved in some way or another in a dare to stick a tongue to the flag pole. We all know someone that did least once.

I even bought my self a copy of it DVD just in case there comes a year that it's not on. I don't want to be caught without a chance to enjoy that movie come Christmas Eve.

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