Sunday, December 7, 2008

Birthday Parties

My little girl seems to be a very popular kid. I think she's invited to a party atleast once a month. Last night she went to her friend E's party. They are friends from Kim's old daycare and have said they were best friends since they were 2 and could talk good. They are so funny together. It makes me a little sad that they don't get to see each other very often since we changed Kim's daycare and schools.

So this was the 2nd party that I've just dropped her off at. She's so excited about me leaving her at a party to be by herself. And suprisingly when it's time to go home and I get there to pick her up she's happy to leave too. No battles about her wanting to stay longer. I think she's enjoying her new found freedom as well. She actually thanked me for leaving her at the party by herself.

I guess the new indepences is always a little bittersweet. I love that I'm getting back more time for myself but it's also a little sad that she doesn't need me so much anymore. I'm sure that every other mom I know feels the same way.

1 comment:

Marva said...

Oh, wow! They grow up way too fast! The boys are growing up quickly too. Many blessings!!!