Sunday, November 16, 2008

What would make you happy?

I was over reading Blessed Frugalness and she asked what contentment means to you. So that left me asking myself the same question. And with Thanksgiving just around the corner we have been talking about what we are thankful for in our house. Kim will say that she's thankful for her mom and dad and her cat. To be that innocent. I of course am thankful for my sweet little girl, a husband who loves us and does his best to care for us, a comfortable home and a nice warm bed and food to eat. We both have jobs which is a true blessing in these tough economical times. And even though money is tight and times are tough we still manage to get our bills paid and our needs taken care of. And I have a wonderful God who hasn't forgotten me. Even though I have been away from his house for a long time. I'm getting back there and I am thankful to my sweet girl for that as well. So I really can't ask for more then that.

So though I shouldn't be asking for more there are a few things that I would like to have. We rent our house and owning a home would be a wonderful thing. I would love to get our budget to a point where when the bill comes in the mail I can send out the payment then. And not have to figure out which bills we are paying on what payday. There really isn't much more that I could want. I know I don't really need much more.

So what makes you happy? What brings you contentment?

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