Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

I went shopping this morning for my first ever Black Friday. The darn cat woke me up at 4:15 so I went ahead and got up and headed to Walmart. My niece was the 2nd person in line (she'd been there since 4) so I snuck in with her. The line was already to the other end of the building.

I got in, got a cart and checked my list. I headed to the other side of the store out of the path of the crowd that was behind me. I got everything on my list and was out of there and back home by 6:30.

I was able to pick up playdoh, mega blocks, clothes for Kim, movies and a ton more and only spent $150. I only have 3 more things that I need to get and I'm done.

So now I have a trunk full of stuff that I need to bring in and wrap when Kim is in bed. May be a few days before I can get to that. I am planning to take Kim to the tree of sharing after church on Sunday. I want her to know that Christmas isn't all about what she's getting. But more what we can do for others who are less fortunate.

1 comment:

Marva said...

Sounds like fun! Glad you got some good deals! Blessings!

Oh and great idea about the giving tree!