Monday, November 24, 2008

Taking a Financial Leap of Faith

So I've been thinking that my News Years resolution was going to be to get out of debt before the end of the year. And being that I still have almost 3 years of payments on my car that's a big deal. Many places in the Bible it says that you should not borrow or owe anything. I think my favorite scripture on the subject though is

Romans 13:8
Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.

Anyway, I had been thinking that I would get through December and Christmas and then I would start really knuckling down on our budget and start tithing (for the first time). Well this week I have been clearly hearing God say "No you'll start now". So in my desire to become more obedient to God I'm taking a huge leap of Faith and stepping out of my comfort zone just as Pastor Carey said yesterday. Wednesday is payday and I will be writing my first tithing check. Of course that is money that I could put towards something else but I am putting everything in God's hands and trusting that he will provide what we need.


Marva said...

Girl let me tell you something, he will never leave or forsake you!

He will provide your every need. Luke 6:38, suns it all up.

IF you have time, read back over the twins birth story. That is where my faith "really" started. I had always had it, then God showed me how to use it. Perhaps I will tell the full miracle of our walk to God and being debt free soon.

What a great post! I am so proud of you!


Leahann said...

Thanks Marva. While I know in my heart that God will make sure we have everything we need I sometimes have a hard time reminding my head. It's always good to have encouragement from others.