Friday, November 7, 2008

Getting back to normal

What a great week. With Gracie coming home last weekend I was able to get back to my normal schedule. I was so happy to be able to get back into Curves 4 times this week. And also happy that my progress hadn't been thrown off as bad as I had expected. I did gain 1.5 pounds but my measurements had stayed the same and my fat percentage had actually gone down. So where exactly that 1.5 pounds is I'm not sure. But now to get back to losing it.

I met with Kimmie's teacher today for her first conference. She really didn't tell me anything that I didn't expect to hear. Kim is doing great in all the areas of her academics but does need to work more on her attention and following directions. She has made progress since the beginning of the year though so that was good to hear. It is nice to see the improvements that have been happening in her behavior since changing daycares and putting her in a more structured school setting.

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