Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bronchitis Again

Kimmie has been coughing up a storm for the 2nd time is less then 6 weeks. So this afternoon I took her back to the doctor just to find out that she again has bronchitis. This is so frustrating. My poor little girl has this awful hacking cough. Her voice is about gone. And now we are back again on a round of antibiotic. Our doc seems to think that this is just where the cold that is going around at any given time is settling in with her. Some people it's in there head, my sweet girl gets bronchitis.

Yesterday on our walk she got a flat tire on her bike. She was so upset about it because she's worried that it won't be fixed and she won't be able to ride in her bike-a-thon. Larry promised that he would fix it tonight when he got home. Unfortunately he got the tire apart and found that she needs a whole new tire. From her riding and skidding on the breaks she has worn a hole in the tire itself. So tomorrow I will be on the hunt for a new white tire with pink walls. Hopefully I'll be able to find it so she doesn't have to have 1 white and 1 black tire on her bike.

1 comment:

Marva said...

Hope she feels better soon! Blessings!