Tuesday, February 24, 2009

How much is $789 Billion, really?

I've been thinking about the "stimulus" package that our Congress and President passed this past week. As I'm sure most everyone has been thinking. And that of course leads to the question, how much is $789 Billion, really? How could anyone really put that amount of money into perspective. Most of us will never see that amount of money in our life time. Even if we added our yearly salaries together it still our never come close to that amount.

I was listening to the radio on my way to work the other day and they said that if you started the day that Jesus Christ was born and spent $1 Million dollars a day. You would still have spent LESS money then what Congress and our President spent last week. 1 Million dollars a day, EVERY DAY for 2009 years. That is absolutely insane to me.

If they had taken that money and divided it up amongst the 300 Million people that live in this country we would have each gotten roughly $2600. But instead out government thinks that giving money to big business will help the little guy and the bottom of the pile. And now that they have passed this bill. With the unbelievable amount of money spent. That we as tax payers are going to have to pay back at some point, our President admitted on television last night that this is only going to be a short term fix and in the long run it isn't going to help our economic down turn. So then why prolong the inevitable?

I guess I will never understand how our government can rationalize spending more money when we don't have any to spend. You and I would never get away with printing more money to cover what we want to spend even though we really don't have it. And why on earth are we bailing out these big companies that have screwed up their budget and gone in the hole. If we do that no one (especially our government) is going to give us money to fix the problem. Especially to give them money with no stipulations for getting it. Like they did with the money that was give before Christmas. Who in the world would give $850 Billion to someone and not put terms on it? Well I guess our governemnt does because of course when they run out of money they can always print more.

Wow this post has really gotten on a venting path hasn't it. Sorry didn't mean to go that way with it. Just was trying to put that HUGE dollar amount into perspective for myself.


Marva said...

I think this only the beginning and we all are goin to suffer thanks to the newly elected. God help us all!!!!!!


Julie Marie said...

Great Post! I couldn't have said it better :)