Thursday, February 26, 2009

Have I mentioned.......

how much I HATE WINTER????? Well in case you have missed it before, I hate it. I hate everything about it. The cold, the snow, the ice, the roads. Everything. And today was certainly no exception.

This morning we got up to it snowing. After we had such a nice weekend last week I was certainly hoping that we were getting a reprieve from this awful weather and looking forward to spring. But I suppose we have to endure a bit more. We headed out the door and on our way. Kimmie needed to get to school and I usually get in an hour at the gym before heading off to work. But instead, we got down the road and ended up in a snow bank. Actually we ended up on the other side of that snow bank. There is this awful corner down the road from our house that even in the summer makes me nervous and when I started to turn to make the corner my car decided it would continue on the straight path we were on. Up and over the snow bank and through a 4x4 post holding a street sign. There we were. Of course (as any mother in an accident with her kid in the car) I had a heart attack. I checked on Kim to make sure she was ok. She said she was but the seat belt had gotten tight and hurt her neck. "Oh thank God it did it's job," I said.

I called to get an officer and a tow truck. I couldn't see what kind of damage had been done to my car because of the snow we were in but I knew it couldn't be good. My friend (the chief of police) was on duty (the same one that plowed my drive way). And another friend was driving the tow truck (I love being in a small town and knowing everyone).

My sister came and picked us up and took Kim to school and me to work. And then loaned me her car so I could get home from work. I'll have to use Larry's truck, thankfully he has Fridays off right now. Then for next week my sister said she would help me figure out what we need to do to get Kim to school and me to work.

It's just a car and that can be fixed. I'm just so greatful that my sweet girl and I are both ok. But I still HATE WINTER!!!!

1 comment:

Marva said...

Oh sweetie! I am so glad you both are all right. Bless your heart! You just board a plane and soak up some pre-Spring 70's here with me......oh wait, we're suppose to have tornados tomorrow! There goes coming to play....bummer.

Praise the Lord you both are okay though! Is Kimmie's neck still sore? Thinking of you both! Blessings!