Thursday, July 10, 2008

Childcare issues

One of the worst things about being a working mother is finding childcare that you feel good about leaving your kids in while you are away. I have been really lucky and have had Kim going to a daycare that she has really liked now for 2 years. The past few months we have been talking about sending her to a new preschool in the fall and when I mentioned it at daycare I was told that they wouldn't have a spot for her to come there after school. Which I have to admit really got under my skin a bit. But you know everything happens for a reason and maybe it's time for Kim and I to move on to something new. So today we were able to find a new child care option for her. It's an in home care and I have to say that when we went to talk to the lady I totally felt at home and welcome there. Kim went in and just got right into playing with the other kids. We spent about an hour there and then she didn't want to leave. I suppose that's a good sign. So she'll start going there next week.

Then in September she will start a new preschool at the Christian Academy. I'm really excited about her going there too. I truly believe that is where she's supposed to be. The preschool class there is combined with the Kindergarten class so she'll be getting more then just preschool. It's a pricey venture for us but I think it will be well worth it and really how can you put a price on your child's education.

I've really felt like her going to this school is where God has been directing us to take her. So even though I was a bit panicked and stressed about the whole daycare issue I had to just put it in his hands. Just like with everything else I guess.

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