Sunday, April 12, 2009

Making a connection

Last weekend at bedtime Kimmie brought me the story of the three little pigs. So we snuggled up together and I started reading. I read through the part of the first little pig and him building his house out of straw. Then the second little pig building his house out of trigs. It was at this point that my little girl looked at me and said "Momma those pigs are like the foolish man aren't they". She was referring to the foolish man who built his house upon the sand. I was shocked at first but of course my response was "yes they are, aren't they". So as I continued reading about the third little pig building his house of bricks I asked her who he was like. And she said "he's like the wise man mom".

I was pleasently surprised and impressed with how she made the connection between the three little pigs and the wise and foolish men. I certainly can't imagine putting that together myself. So we've continued talking about it this week. Discussing how we want to be like the third little pig (or the wise man who built his house upon the rock)so that our house (our life) is strong and sturdy. So that we can keep the wolf (Satan) out.

It's nice to know that not only is my little girl comprehending the Bible stories she's learning but she's also thinking about them. And anylizing them to make other connections. I guess she really is paying attention. Now if I can just ensure that it doesn't just stay in her head and makes it into her heart.

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