Sunday, April 5, 2009

Finally the sun emerges from it's winter hybernation

We have had a wonderful weekend here. The sun came out and the temps have hit 62 degrees. Perfect!!! I had a busy weekend. I tackled my house Friday night after dinner. Shampooed the carpet in the living room and got most everything else done. Saturday morning I finished the last few things I hadn't gotten to Friday night before going to bed. Then Kimmie and I headed outside.

Kimmie got to enjoy some time playing on her swingset and riding her bike. While I worked on the front yard and the driveway. Raking and cleaning up the mess that winter had left behind. It feels good to have it all cleaned up. Now it it would just green up quickly. Then we can really enjoy our outdoor space.

I still have a lot to do in the back yard but there is still a lot of snow back there. Hopefully it will be gone soon so I can get that mess cleaned up as well.


Carol Woolum Roberts said...

Thankfully the snow is gone from my yard. Now I'm looking forward to seeing my perennials starting to emerge, and figuring out what to plant in the vegetable garden!!

Marva said...

So glad the warm weather is your way now. We are having high 20's here tonight. Have a great Tuesday!
