Saturday, June 6, 2009

Catching Up

Last weekend I had the pleasure of attending a Worship Seminar in Missoula. It was a long day but so worth it. I learned a lot and had a really great time. Came home with some new books that now I really need to find some time and read them. If you ever have an opportunity to go to one of these I highly recommend it.

Monday was Kimmie's first official day of Summer Vacation. She's loving it. Sleeping in and spending the day at the sitter's playing with the other kids. Thursday she had to take donuts with her to share with everyone. Right now she gets to spend Tuesdays at home with me and Fridays at home with Daddy. That is as long as we have our days off during the week. Friday they surprised me by showing up to my work just as I was getting ready to leave for lunch. They took me to lunch with them. It was such a nice surprise to be able to spend some time with them like that.

Wednesday I had a flat tire on my way to work. A nice guy stopped (not sure where he came from though as he wasn't behind me and didn't pass me) but anyway he stopped and changed my tire for me. I was very thankful to him for that help. The tire was completely shot so I had to buy a new one. New tires are on my list for this summer so I guess now I have 1 down and only 3 more to go.

This weekend is going to be spent relaxing a bit. I need to do some house cleaning and weeding in the garden. I'm going to enjoy it though because next weekend will be crazy busy.

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