Thursday, October 2, 2008

15 Years ago today

October 2nd, 1993 Larry and I were married. I can't believe that we have made it 15 years and we're still going strong. It hasn't been all easy by any means but we were able to work through all the stuff and see that we loved each other enough to fight our way back each time. Some people will say that walking away is the easy way out but for us it has always been easier to work it out then to walk away. I'm happy that we have. Now 15 years later and we have our sweet girl to be thankful for as well. Life is good.


Mel @ Studio MCA Designs said...

Happy Anniversary! Are you doing anything special?

Scraps of Bev said...

Many belated Anniversary wishes Leahann - hope you had a lovely day and here's to the next 15 years for you and your hubby.