Saturday, September 6, 2008

We've been busy

Kim started Preschool on Tuesday at the Christian Academy. I was going to take pictures of her before we left the house but the batteries in my camera were dead. She informed me that we could buy new ones and then I could take pictures of her when we got to school. Even then it was a bit of a struggle to get her to hold still long enough for me to get a couple.

She had told me that she had fun "learning with Alex and Leah" at school on Wednesday when I picked her up from the sitter. I just thought that they were kids in her class. Then on Thursday she told me a little more. She said that Alex and Leah were a movie they watched at school. And then she showed me that she could sign a few letters. She was especially excited about signing a "K" for Kimmie. Apparently "Learning with Alex and Leah" is a dvd that they watch in class that teaches the kids sign language.

Last week on Saturday she and I went to get some lunch and she said that she wanted to go get her ears peirced NOW. We had been telling her for a while now that when she wanted to go get them done that we would. So off we went and after having to buy the stuff at Walmart and go to another place to have them done (because you can never get any help at our Walmart). She is the proud wearer of a new pair of earrings. She's been pretty bossy lately and not to good about letting me take pictures so I haven't really gotten any good ones of them yet.

Of course her birthday was a few weeks ago now. How can my baby be 4 now? We had a party at the part with her friends from her old daycare. She was very excited to see them. The kids had a lot of fun playing games and eating cake.

David had his first birthday this week and we will be celebrating tomorrow. Then we will be back to another week of school and work. Me getting up at 5:00 to get myself ready for the day and then Kim up at 6:00. Out the door by 7:30 and to school by 7:45. Makes for a tiring morning but we are getting through it. I'm hoping that it will get easier for us both. I have also added a workout at Curves for myself. I have a little more then an hour between dropping Kim off at school and me getting to work so I decided to do a little something for myself. I'll be going to Curves 4 days a week. I'm really looking forward to it and looking forward to getting rid of my butt as well.


Scraps of Bev said...

My word Leahann doesn't Kim look all grown up going to school, she moving on so fast. I'm glad you took photo's of her on the first day at school as these will be ones to treasure and look back on in years to come.

You've had a busy time of late with birthdays etc but I was pleased to read your going to have some 'me' time which is important!

Mel @ Studio MCA Designs said...

I like your new look on your blog!