Tuesday, September 16, 2008

On my way to a new me

School started for Kim 2 weeks ago. Since she has to be at school by 8:00 and I don't have to be at work until 9:30 I decided that it was a good time for me to spend an hour on ME. I started on the first day of school going to Curves and getting in a good workout before heading to work. I have been so frustrated with myself. A year and a half ago I had lost just over 20 pounds and then gained it all back. But I don't want to be where I'm at when I'm 35 and that's not that far off. So I'm making some changes for myself. And to show Kimmie a better way to live. I don't want her to have these same issues when she's older.

It's been 2 weeks and I just had to see what kind of progress I've made. So I took a minute to weigh and measure this morning before starting my workout. In 2 short weeks I have lost 5.25 pounds and 3 inches. YAY!!!!!!!

I'm half way to my first goal of 10 pounds. I have a lot more then that to lose but I have to break it down into smaller goals. 2 pounds a week, 8 pounds a month, 10 pounds at a time. So far I'm ahead of my weekly goals.

I feel better. I'm sleeping better. I even get up in the morning easier at the God awful hour of 5:00am. I'm just feeling so much better about what I'm doing for myself. Some good quality "me time".

I added a ticker to the bottom of my blog to keep track of my progress. What have you been doing for yourself lately.


Fab's Book Spot said...

Well done and you will keep feeling better as the days pass. Any change takes only six weeks then it is habit keep going and you will see it gets easier.

Mel @ Studio MCA Designs said...

Excellent! I need to do the same - get up earlier and exercise. Way to go - I am proud of you!